Just like your home, your personal vehicle is a valuable asset which need proper care and maintenance. A small oversight could turn into a costly repair. Quite unfortunate. Isn’t it? Certainly, but as every cloud has a silver lining, you can follow a few simple yet significantly important to help you stay away from repair shop. The situation may get worsen if you have one of the second-hand cars Brisbane, QLD and forget some basic tasks that when overlooked could leave a deteriorating impact on your car’s performance.
Here are five key rituals you must add to your car maintenance routine to keep it looking good and running smoothly.
Regular Car Cleaning and Washing:
Simple yet the most imperative thing to do. How often you clean your vehicle? Do you like your car getting filthy inside and outside, whether its stinking smell, resin stains, bug splats, tree sap, bird droppings, or road tar to name a few. You must fix all such things for preventing long-term damage such as car’s undercarriage impairment, paint corroding, etc. There is no other opinion that a clean vehicle appeals human sight. So, you better wash your vehicle at least twice a month.
Replace Engine Air Filter on Time:
Engine is a lifesaving entity when it comes to your car’s performance and fuel economy. Dirt and debris trapped in air filter if not removed timely will damage your engine and deplete its powerful performance. In the brand-new cars, you may don’t feel like changing the air filter every so often since cleaning may suffice the need. However, in used cars Brisbane, you must replace the air filter at appropriate mileage intervals to keep engine’s performance at best. Air filter replacement is an easy and quick fix as you find it dirty – keep checking it regularly.
Keep the Fluids at Accurate Levels:
Wants your car to last longer with enhanced driving experience? Keep a close eye on its fluid levels; be it motor oil, coolant, power steering fluid, and brake or transmission fluid. Make sure all your vehicle’s fluids are at the correct levels to keep your car run smoothly. Check the vehicle owner’s manual or consult a reliable mechanic to ensure that your car contains all fluids in accurate quantities. The topped off fluids not only boost your car’s fuel economy but also help your vehicle last longer. So, keep changing car fluids at suggested intervals.
Check and Maintain Car Tires:
No matter how new or in perfect working condition your car tires are, they lose air pressure as time moves forward. So, keep checking the pressure in all tires regularly – daily the better to keep them inflated to the proper level. Maintain the recommended pressure as mention in your car’s manual or on the tire itself. also, check the owner’s manual to know when to rotate your tires, which is mandatory to regulate their potential wear and tear. Tires wear evenly and therefore lasts longer when rotated timely and watchfully. Keep your tires well-maintained to enjoy the most miles possible out of them.
Belt and Hoses Inspection:
Don’t forget to check the belts and hoses every time you change engine oil or other fluids so that they don’t break down on the road. For instance, car’s systems including power steering and air conditioner compressor commonly failed because of snapped serpentine belt. Likewise, coolant leakage usually results from damaged or cracked radiator hose. You will surely don’t want your engine to overheat or any system stop working right in middle of the road that could cause accidents.
So, keep everything operating smoothly you must pay a little extra attention to your car cleaning and maintenance. Moreover, whenever you buy a ride from used car dealers Brisbane, QLD make sure that everything is well-placed and doing great. And, don’t mind consulting a reliable mechanic if needed.